Hijack of One Man

This story builds on the previous one .... ( It will be completed as soon as possible).
» autor: Rusell McDonald
The flight number 08A15 from New Jersey to Las Vegas will have delayed about one hour. The flight 08BC81 from New Jersey to Mexico City will also be delayed. The delayed will about five hours.
When I suddenly heard this, so I was very angry, because I don´t want wait on the airport a next hour but I decided that I try and I will resist.

I am sorry because I forgot introduce. Ehm ... How to say? Okay ... I will say it normally. My name is Jack Horward , I come from Baltimore it is small city on the East Coast of the United States of America. The Baltimore situated on the Maryland. I have one hundred and ninety five centimetres tall and I have about ninety kilograms. I have muscular figure and it is very good for me.

I like my job because it is very well paid it, but I have two jobs. Ehm... How to say ? Already, I know. I work as director and actors but the second job is better because I like it. When I was younger I read a lot of books and that has lasted until today and so I became a professional writer.

My opinion on this job is : The professional writer is very nice job because you can write some novels about some topic what you think.

I started writing when I had twelve years. My first novel called Small Boy and this story was printed in the local newspaper. The local newspaper called The Maryland Post Time but this newspaper don´t exist because the newspaper did not have enough money to operate, and therefore failed.

Okay. I think that very nice and very good introduction. And now I would have wanted to start telling the story. So please settle down and listen.
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» 30.11.12
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» čteno: 1697(10)
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